Voice Overs from the mountains of Idaho. That raises some eyebrows when I talk about what I do and where I live. What’s it like being a voice actor from Idaho? Well, read on.
My wife and I lived in Eagle, Idaho. A suburb of Boise. I worked in broadcasting and had a long and fun career. So, when I left broadcasting in 2018 and ventured into the world of voice acting, I had no idea that we’d be selling our home in Eagle and moving to the mountains of Idaho. I mean, how was I supposed to be able to do voice over work from a home in the wilderness? What kind of internet service would we have? Would Source Connect work, and will local agencies still work with me if I can’t come to their studio on short notice? Yeah…there were a lot of questions.
We found some property about 60 miles north of Boise. Lo and behold, internet service was available. But the unanswered question remained, “will it be fast enough for Source Connect to work properly?”
My wife is a talented residential designer. She designed our new home, complete with a sound proof and acoustically treated booth for my voice over business. So once the booth was ready, I set up my computer and my workstation, made sure we had the internet working properly, and then the acid test. We tested Source Connect, and it worked! Will miracles never cease?
Doing voice over work from the mountains has been an experience like no other. Aside from an occasional airplane flying over, there is virtually no extraneous noise to contend with. No traffic, no construction, no sirens, etc. The silence in my booth, is bliss for the voice acting world! The positives have far outweighed the negatives. That guy in the picture visits on occasion, but we live smart, and he’s no problem. And while others may have people, traffic and several other distractions passing by their studios, I have bears, elk, deer, bobcats, foxes, sand hill cranes, geese, grouse, and any number of songbirds. We’ve learned to live with nature and not get in their way.
Our view is astounding, and even though it’s the same view every day, it’s NEVER the same view everyday. The light is always changing, as are the seasons. Anymore, when we go back into Boise to run errands or visit friends and family, we can’t wait to get out of the traffic and the hustle, and get back to our sanctuary.
So, when you wonder if you can do voice overs from the mountains of Idaho, the answer is yes. Yes you can. Thanks for letting me tell our little story. If you’d like to hear some of my work please check out my demos.
Oh! For those of you that didn’t know, I also paint, and as you can see, I have plenty of inspiration. If you’d like to see my artwork please visit my other website: